Monday, August 22, 2011

Models Own Personal Stash

Hey everyone! :)

Hope you're all doing well today! I'm doing all right myself, packing and getting ready to go back to uni. Last year of undergrad, so I'm pretty excited for that.

Due to the Models Own 50% sale happening this week (kick-starting as soon as the discount code is finally posted!), I started looking at the colours on the website and then rehashing the personal little Models Own collection I have.

I spent the last six months abroad in England studying, but alas, the troubling life of a uni student, I needed to watch my funds. I've got six Models Own polishes at the moment, hardly a large collection (click for larger):

From left to right: Nude Beige, Blooboo, Pink Blush, Red Alert, Jade Stone and Smash Up Purple. 

Smash Up Purple looks almost black in these photos...the light in my room is really poor. -.- The pastels also look a bit darker than they are in person. 

I've tried them on once each, but I remember absolutely loving all of them - with Red Alert and Jade Stone probably being my favourites!

I've got a whole batch ready in my account for the sale! :) 

Good night dears! 

Lucy xx


  1. All the Models Own colours look so pretty and SO tempting. I especially want your coffee and blue ones! xxx

  2. Hi Lisa, thanks for dropping by!
    Those picks are very wise! :D Do you have any Models Own yourself? :) xx

  3. I do, I have the black Smash-Up - it looks great over glitter. Really want to buy some of the pastelly colours though. xx

  4. That's 6 more than I have! You are lucky to have them :)

  5. Thank you! :) Are you getting some on the online sale? xx

  6. Thank you! I think so too! :)xx
